Friday, 24 December 2021

Christmas greetings

To my one reader. It has been an awful year for many reasons but the support of many, either as a listening ear via a phone or over a cup of tea has been wonderful. You know who you are and I cannot thank you enough. 

For those of us on the railway Christmas day is like the other 364 in that work can beckon. Shift workers and staff in public service have no day off in recognition of the birth of Christ, although many perform Christian service on this day by helping others in distress and need. I don't claim to do that and my heartfelt appreciation goes to those who do. 

On a more prosaic note my blogging fell off toward the end of the year which I am conscious of. I will return to various subjects next year - but for now happy Christmas and all the best for 2022. 

the Harbour....