Monday, 19 October 2020

hook switches

Bring on the forms..just like this one...

When taking a possession of the line where electrification is concerned and in order to isolate the juice rail hook switches are pulled. 

The WON publishes the times of the possession, say 2255 but the actual time of possession taken is somewhat different. 

Before granting signal protection the first and obvious clue is to ensure that all trains are clear of the possession limits. Any train which is taken around is at the signal concerned. So if either of those are running late then the T3 is already being squeezed in terms of time. 

Then after detonators are placed and absolute possession granted there is the process of taking line blocks in order to pull hook switches to turn the power off. All this takes time, dependent on the length of the possession and access it could be up to an hour so instead of say a 2300 block the block becomes midnight. 

Productivity as a result suffers. 

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